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Swapping Subscription: XL Local Variety to XL Hydroponic GrassUpdated 7 months ago

If you'd like to switch to our Hydroponic grass, you can follow the steps below:

1. Login to your DoggieLawn account by entering your email address and password.


2. Click on the orange "Manage" button next to your subscription. 

3. Click "Change DoggieLawn Size"

4. Select XL DoggieLawn and then click the orange "Change Size" button

5. Confirm your shipping state.

6. Select 'Original Hydroponic' followed by 'Update Subscription' to complete the upgrade! It will then as you to confirm the shipping frequency and quantity.

7. Be sure to click 'I Agree To Make This Change' to confirm the switch from our Local Lawn variety to Original Hydroponic!

If you have any questions, give us a bark by clicking HERE to chat with us!🐶 

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