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What Does Being a DoggieLawn Affiliate Mean?

Being an affiliate means that you create content promoting DoggieLawn and in exchange, when anyone makes a purchase on our website from your unique link or promo code, you'll receive 25% of the sale!. Example: If someone purchases an XL DoggieLawn fo

How Do I Apply to Be an Affiliate?

To become an affiliate, click here and fill out the requested information. Once we approve your application you'll receive an email prompting you to create a Shopify account. *NOTE: You must create a Shopify account in order to be a part of our affil

How Do I Get My Affiliate Link and Promo Code?

Once you create an account, you'll be able to login to the affiliate portal and find your unique link and promo code here:. Now, you can create your video promoting DoggieLawn to post on your TikTok and/or Instagram as a reel!. If you have any questi

I Want to Change My Affiliate Promo Code. How Do I Do That?

If you would like to change your affiliate promo code, please email [email protected] and make the subject: Change Affiliate Promo Code.

I Need Some Ideas to Help Promote DoggieLawn!

Here are a few ways that you can help promote DoggieLawn!. *Make sure with all of these ideas you are posting your affiliate link or promo code so that you get a commission on the sale!. Post Us On Instagram. Everyone knows post a cute