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My XL Local Grass is BrownUpdated 9 months ago

As we pointed out during the signup process, our local grass is subject to the whims of nature and the look and feel of the grass may vary. This is one such case! In the colder months, the sod will be discolored as it loses its green blades of color in order to conserve water and nutrients. This is what we would call dormant grass. These issues are transient and tend to go away once Spring arrives.

The good news is that this will NOT impact the effectiveness of the lawn. The grass you received is still 100% usable and your dog will not notice the difference because dogs are not phased by any transitory color changes or occasional dryness.

With that said, we have found that many customers like to switch the lawns based on the season! They typically will order our local variety in the Spring/Summer as it ships in 2 days (plus save on cost!) and then change to our Hydroponic variety the rest of the seasons to get that lush green color all year long! If you'd like to switch to our Hydroponic grass, you can learn how by clicking HERE.

If you have any questions, give us a bark by clicking HERE to chat with us!🐶 

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